So don't know what happened but for the past week my skin has been giving me a headache lol. It has been red, itchy and dry. While I do have problems with eczema I dont believe I've ever had my skin react that way before. As you can see from a previous review, the cocoa butter conditioner just wasn't for me. It provided an unpleasant scalp. I am wondering if it could be the culprit for the rest of me but if so, it shouldve been washed off many showers/baths ago! lol I am still considering a major change to my diet once i figure out what exactly to detract. I do know that my body doesn't like too much dairy. Other than that I have further research to do. The things that have been helping though:
peppermint oil with vitamin e oil baths.
using aveeno advanced body wash in the shower.
i have purchased some nubian hertiage products which are made of natural ingredients. the particular ones are said to have healing properities. i hope they help!
i have the


it has been used once so far and what i will say is they both smell super yummy. and it took longer for me to start scratching again.
a thick lotion helps- like the one above or pure shea butter. also putting an oil like the vitamin e oil right out the shower then the lotion.
i'll report any new skin changes or a soothing alleviation if such arises.
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